guest information a‑z

We would like to inform you about our estab­lish­ment and ser­vices with this brief guide.

We are hap­py to assist you with any fur­ther infor­ma­tion you may need.


Abbey church

See Church and chapels

Abbey life

Cur­rent­ly, sev­en monks live in the monastery of the Wel­tenburg Bene­dic­tine Abbey.

Abbey shop

In our abbey shop to the left of the abbey church, you will find a selec­tion of arti­cles, such as lit­er­a­ture, devo­tion­al objects, sou­venirs, etc. For open­ing hours, please con­sult the post­ing on the abbey shop.

The recep­tion desk has a small selec­tion of post­cards, stamps and lit­er­a­ture about the Wel­tenburg Abbey.


Wel­tenburg­er Kloster­be­triebe GmbH
Gäste­haus St. Georg
Asam­straße 32
93309 Kelheim

Tele­phone     09441 6757–500
Fax                    09441 6757–537

Adult edu­ca­tion courses

See Course cat­a­logue


For rea­sons of hygiene, ani­mals are not allowed in the guesthouse.
Thank you for your understanding.


In gen­er­al, your room will be avail­able as of 3:00 p.m.



Basic fur­nish­ings are avail­able for your small chil­dren. Infor­ma­tion is avail­able at the recep­tion desk.


You can find the near­est cash machines in Kelheim:

Kreiss­parkasse Kel­heim, Donau­park 3,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 2990

Raif­feisen­bank Kreis Kel­heim eG, Donaus­traße 15,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 50190

Hypo Vere­ins­bank, Alt­mühlstraße 5,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 50540

Post­bank, Bahn­hof­s­traße 8,
93309 Kel­heim, 0180 5 3452255

Bar­ri­er-free accessibility

In the House St. George, we offer three wheel­chair-acces­si­ble dou­ble rooms. There is a wheel­chair-acces­si­ble toi­let on the first floor of the House St. George direct­ly next to the ele­va­tor as well as in the Prela­ture near the din­ing rooms on the ground floor. All sem­i­nar rooms and com­mon rooms in the House St. George as well as the din­ing rooms in the Prela­ture are wheelchair-accessible.

Bath­room ventilation

The bath­room fan is switched on auto­mat­i­cal­ly three times per day (8:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.) for 45 min­utes, whether you have switched on the bath­room light or not. This serves to improve dehu­mid­i­fi­ca­tion of the bathroom.


Do you need an extra-large duvet? Con­sult the recep­tion desk; we will be hap­py to take care of it!


There are refrig­er­a­tors with a selec­tion of bev­er­ages on the first floor of the House St. George, as well as in the St. Bene­dict din­ing room in the Prela­ture. Please note your con­sump­tion and pay at the recep­tion on the day of depar­ture at the latest

Bicy­cle parking

We offer you a bicy­cle park­ing cel­lar. You can obtain the key from the recep­tion desk. Please always return the key immediately.

Bicy­cle rentals and repair 

Would you like to rent a bicycle?

In Kel­heim, the bike shop Zweirad Jessen, tel. 09441 504850, offers this service.

You can obtain details and route infor­ma­tion at the Tourist Infor­ma­tion Office in Kel­heim, tel. 09441 701234.

Boat trips

Boat rides are offered through the Danube Gap and along the Alt­mühl val­ley. Infor­ma­tion on these trips is avail­able at the ship pay win­dow at the abbey (gate on the Danube). You can find the respec­tive fly­ers on the first floor in the foyer.


We offer a break­fast buf­fet between 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. in our din­ing rooms in the Prela­ture. Instead of break­fast, you can order a packed lunch (avail­able from 7:00 a.m.). Please inform the recep­tion staff one day in advance.

Brew­ery tours

Take a tour of our brew­ery, the old­est abbey brew­ery in the world, and dis­cov­er more about the art of beer brew­ing. Infor­ma­tion and reg­is­tra­tion via:

STADTMAUS Regens­burg, 0941 230360–0,


The bus stops “Pater-Josef-Straße” and “Abzwei­gung Trift­straße” in Wel­tenburg are each about 1 km away, and are ser­viced by bus lines 5, 10, 34 and 48. Bus sched­ule infor­ma­tion is avail­able at the recep­tion desk.



The Cafe­te­ria is locat­ed on the first floor of the House St. George, where you will find a selec­tion of our beer spe­cial­ties from the Wel­tenburg abbey brew­ery as well as soft drinks and a selec­tion of sweet and salty snacks. Please note your con­sump­tion and pay at the recep­tion on the day of depar­ture at the latest


See Arrival


See Depar­ture

Church and chapels

The St. George abbey church is open dai­ly from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Please also note the church ser­vice times (see Church ser­vices; they are also post­ed in the dis­play case in front of the church).

Church ser­vices

All guests and vis­i­tors are wel­come to attend church ser­vices in the St. George abbey church. Gen­er­al­ly, the fol­low­ing times apply:

  Week­days Sun­days and holidays
Lauds   6:45 a.m.
Ear­ly mass   7:30 a.m.
Con­ven­tu­al mass 7:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
Lit­tle hours 11:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m.
Ves­pers 6:00 p.m. 5:45  p.m.
Com­pline 7:45 p.m. 7:45 p.m.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion is avail­able at the recep­tion desk or in the dis­play case in front of the abbey church.

In our pri­vate chapels, St. Nicholas and St. Mag­dale­na, you can seek out soli­tude to pray. You can find out which chapel is avail­able at a giv­en time at the recep­tion desk.

Church tours

Infor­ma­tion regard­ing church tours is avail­able at the recep­tion desk.
Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we do not offer tours of the rooms and gar­dens of the abbey.

Con­clave bell

If you stay in one of our Prela­ture guest rooms, you may hear a bell ring­ing at cer­tain times of the day. This bell reg­u­lates the dai­ly rou­tine in the con­vent. Don’t be alarmed by it.

Con­fer­ence and sem­i­nar area 

Our guest­house has a gen­er­ous­ly sized sem­i­nar and con­fer­ence area with mod­ern tech­ni­cal facil­i­ties. Infor­ma­tion and writ­ten mate­ri­als for this area are avail­able at the recep­tion desk.


We would be hap­py to make copies for you at the recep­tion desk for a small fee.


Would you like to give a con­fes­sion or have a talk with a monk?

Please let us know; we would be hap­py to assist you.

Course cat­a­logue

We offer a wide vari­ety of cours­es. You can find the cur­rent course cat­a­logue on the first floor of the House St. George in the foy­er. You can also obtain infor­ma­tion on indi­vid­ual cours­es at the recep­tion desk.

Cred­it cards

In addi­tion to cash, you can also pay your invoice with your Girocard/Maestro or cred­it card (VISA, Mas­ter­Card or Amer­i­can Express).


Danube beach

The Danube beach is our well­ness area. Have your feet mas­saged by smooth­ly sand­ed peb­bles, do med­i­c­i­nal wad­ing accord­ing to Pas­tor Kneipp in the shal­low waters of the Danube, or sim­ply enjoy sunbathing.
Expe­ri­ence nature for the senses!

Please note: SWIMMING in this part of the Danube is PROHIBITED – DANGER OF DEATH! 

For vis­its to the Danube beach, we are hap­py to pro­vide you with spe­cial beach tow­els. You can find them in the com­mon room on the first floor in the draw­ers of the wardrobe. Please do not take the blan­kets and tow­els from your room outside.


We kind­ly ask you to clear your room by 10:00 a.m. at the lat­est. If you need to deposit lug­gage after check-out, we would hap­py to pro­vide you with this ser­vice upon arrangement.

We kind­ly ask group and con­fer­ence guests to vacate their rooms by 9:30 a.m.

Din­ing rooms

The din­ing rooms for our house guests are locat­ed on the ground floor of the Prela­ture (acces­si­ble via the door with the wheel­chair ramp).


On a full or half board plan, we serve din­ner at 6:30 p.m. in our din­ing rooms in the Prela­ture. Bev­er­ages are not includ­ed in the price.

You can also have bev­er­ages added to your room invoice.

If you have booked accom­mo­da­tion and break­fast, we rec­om­mend the Wel­tenburg abbey restau­rant “Kloster­schenke”, where you can dine à la carte. You can find infor­ma­tion on open­ing hours under the head­ing Restau­rant Kloster­schenke. Here, too, you can have your bill for food and drink added to your room invoice.


Town cen­ter of Wel­tenburg (bus) 1 km
Kel­heim 8 km
Saal an der Donau (rail­way sta­tion) 12 km
Abens­berg (rail­way sta­tion) 12 km
Regens­burg 35 km
Munich (air­port) 105 km
Nurem­berg (air­port) 130 km


Annegret Altendor­fer, gen­er­al prac­ti­tion­er, Brun­ngasse 1,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 29730

med. Christa Andres, gen­er­al prac­ti­tion­er, Rieden­burg­er Straße 2,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 3392

Group prac­tice, gen­er­al prac­ti­tion­ers, Finken­straße 4,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 2053–0

Oliv­er Schmid, gen­er­al prac­ti­tion­er, Donau­park 6,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 175035–0

You can reach an on-call emer­gency doc­tor at 116 117


You can have an e‑mail sent to our e‑mail address,, which we will then pass on to you. Please let us know if you are expect­ing an e‑mail.


Fire depart­ment – emer­gency med­ical service 112
Police 110
Doc­tor on call 116 117


Sev­er­al recre­ation­al and excur­sion oppor­tu­ni­ties are avail­able in the region around the Wel­tenburg Abbey. Here are just a few suggestions:

    • Boat rides on the Danube and Alt­mühl rivers
    • Small barge rides on the Danube (round trip through the Danube Gap, trans­fer to the oppo­site bank of the Danube, ride to the his­tor­i­cal Klösterl chapel and restaurant)
    • Hik­ing trails and bicy­cle paths
    • Swim­ming facil­i­ties and ther­mal baths (see also Swim­ming, ther­mal baths)
    • A vis­it to the Hall of Lib­er­a­tion in Kel­heim, Prunn Cas­tle, Rosen­burg Cas­tle in Rieden­burg with its fal­con­ry, Ran­deck cas­tle ruins near Essing
    • Sum­mer tobog­gan run in Riedenburg
    • Sta­lac­tite cave “Schuler­loch” in Essing
    • Roman fort in Eining
    • Limes watch­tow­er in Hienheim
    • Kuchlbauer tow­er (Hun­dert­wass­er) in Abensberg

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion is avail­able in the foy­er on the first floor.


Fill­ing stations

Fill­ing sta­tions are locat­ed in Kel­heim and Abensberg.


In the event of a fire alarm, please remain calm and leave your room. Please do not use the ele­va­tor! The emer­gency light­ing and emer­gency signs will guide your way to out­side the build­ing. The meet­ing point is the abbey courtyard.

Fire extin­guish­ers are locat­ed on every floor. Upon arrival, please make your­self famil­iar with the escape routes of the guest­house. You will find an escape route plan direct­ly next to the door of your room, con­fer­ence room and all floors.


Would you like to sur­prise some­one upon their arrival or express your grat­i­tude for an invi­ta­tion? We would be hap­py to order bou­quets, flower arrange­ments, etc. from our trust­ed gardener.

Food from outside

Please note that the stor­age and con­sump­tion of food and drink brought in from out­side is not permitted.

For­got­ten items

We save for­got­ten items for a peri­od of six months. We can only for­ward for­got­ten items upon request and pay­ment of ship­ping and pack­ag­ing costs.

Free time

See Excur­sions

Full board

See Lunch and Dinner


Gas sta­tions

See Fill­ing stations

Gift cer­tifi­cate

So you would like to give some­one the gift of “Wel­tenburg”? We would be pleased to issue you a gift cer­tifi­cate for a spe­cif­ic ser­vice or value.


Hair dry­er

There is a hair dry­er in every bath­room, which you can use free of charge.

Half board

See Din­ner

House St. George

This is the name of the com­plete­ly refur­bished part of the guest­house. Here, we offer 25 dou­ble rooms, three of which are wheel­chair-acces­si­ble, as well as 18 sin­gle rooms with a shower/toilet.


We only clen the rooms includ­ing a change of tow­els and bed linen on request. The recep­tion accepts your request until 10:00 a.m.



Use of our WiFi to access the inter­net is includ­ed in the price of your room. WiFi is avail­able in all rooms, con­fer­ence rooms and in the pub­lic rooms (cafe­te­ria, library and recep­tion area).

You can obtain the access code from the recep­tion staff dur­ing open­ing hours. If you are tak­ing part in a con­fer­ence, you will find the access code in the con­fer­ence room. 


Intol­er­ances and aller­gies are no prob­lem for us. Please note that we would be hap­py to accom­mo­date your needs if we are informed ear­ly enough (at the lat­est, 7 days before your arrival).


The invoice is to be paid on the day of depar­ture at the lat­est. You are wel­come to pay in cash, with an Girocard/Maestro or cred­it card (VISA, Mas­ter­Card or Amer­i­can Express).


Library Room: St. Anselm 

On the first floor, between the ele­va­tor and the sem­i­nar rooms, you will find our Library St. Anselm. This guest library, with a lend­ing library and dai­ly news­pa­pers, can be used by our guests at any time. 


On a full board plan, we serve lunch at 12:10 p.m. in our din­ing rooms in the Prela­ture. Bev­er­ages are not includ­ed in the price.

You can also have your bill for bev­er­ages added to your room invoice.

If you have booked an accom­mo­da­tion with break­fast, we rec­om­mend our Wel­tenburg abbey restau­rant “Kloster­schenke”, where you can dine à la carte. You will find infor­ma­tion regard­ing open­ing hours under the head­ing Restau­rant “Kloster­schenke”. Here, too, you can have your bill for food and drink added to your room invoice.



The mail­box is locat­ed at the kiosk across from the brewery.


Our abbey kitchen will pam­per you with down-home meals, pre­pared with great care and ori­ent­ed toward region and sea­son. Upon request and reser­va­tion, we also offer spe­cial meals (e.g. veg­e­tar­i­an, veg­an, lac­tose- or gluten-free, etc.).


See Library: St. Anselm

Night­time peace

In the inter­est of all guests, we kind­ly ask every­one to be con­sid­er­ate and observe night­time peace from 10:00 p.m.


 Packed lunch

Have you planned an excur­sion, or do you need a snack for the road? Feel free to order a packed lunch at the recep­tion desk. We kind­ly ask you to inform us one day in advance, by 5:00 p.m. at the lat­est. You will then receive your packed lunch on the next day at breakfast.


Marked park­ing spots are sit­u­at­ed direct­ly at the abbey, along the Danube. Park­ing in the court­yard is not per­mit­ted. As an alter­na­tive, there is a large vis­i­tor park­ing lot in the vil­lage of Wel­tenburg. Dur­ing the sea­son, there is a shut­tle ser­vice from the abbey to the park­ing lot and back, oper­at­ing between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., which can be booked by phon­ing 09441 6757–0. You can obtain a park­ing vouch­er from the recep­tion desk for free use of the large vis­i­tor park­ing lot.


In addi­tion to cash, you can pay your invoice with an Girocard/Maestro or cred­it card (VISA, Mas­ter­Card or Amer­i­can Express).

Petrol sta­tions

See Fill­ing stations


Stadt-Apotheke, Donaus­traße 16,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 3696

Lud­wigs-Apotheke, Brun­ngasse 1,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 3292

Heilig-Kreuz-Apotheke, Donau­park
6, 93309 Kel­heim, 09441 10295

Cen­tro-Apotheke, Schäf­fler­straße 1,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 178330

You can receive infor­ma­tion regard­ing which phar­ma­cy is on duty out­side busi­ness hours under the num­ber 0800 0022833.

Pil­grim­mage sites in the area (a selection)

Wel­tenburg1 Unsere Liebe Frau (Our Dear Lady), (chapel on Frauen­berg hill)
Danube Gorge1 Klösterl chapel
Hell­ring1 St. Ottil­ia
Unsere Liebe Frau (Our Dear Lady)
Allers­dorf1 Unsere Liebe Frau (Our Dear Lady)
Atten­hofen1 St. Simon
Sem­mer­skirchen1 Bern­hard Lehner
Min­del­stet­ten2 St. Anna Schäffer
Bet­tbrunn2 Chris­tus Salvator
Bad Abbach3 Frauen­bründl
Aufhausen3 Maria Schnee
Bruck­dorf3 Zum Heili­gen Kreuz (Holy Cross)
Donaus­tauf3 Chris­tus Salvator
Eichlberg3 Hl. Dreifaltigkeit (Holy Trinity)
Unsere liebe Frau (Our Dear Lady)
Regens­burg3 St. Wolf­gang
  St. Emmer­am (for­mer Bene­dic­tine abbey)
  Maria Läng
  Stift­skirche Unsere Liebe Frau zur Alten Kapelle
(Our Dear Lady)
  Unsere Liebe Frau (St. Johann) (Our Dear Lady)

1 Dis­trict of Kel­heim; 2 Dis­trict of Eich­stätt; 3 Dis­trict of Regensburg


Do you need an addi­tion­al pil­low? Please con­sult the recep­tion staff.


The mail­box is locat­ed at the kiosk across from the brewery.


A small selec­tion of post­cards is avail­able from the recep­tion staff. In the abbey shop, we offer more post­cards with the theme of the Wel­tenburg Abbey.


In the entry­way of your room, there is a card hold­er. Stick your room key card as far as it will go into the card hold­er. This acti­vates the elec­tric­i­ty and lighting.

To charge mobile phones, lap­tops, dig­i­tal cam­eras, etc., you can use a spe­cial, labeled pow­er out­let with a con­stant pow­er sup­ply sit­u­at­ed on the desk.

When you leave your room, please do not for­get to take your key card, as it also allows you to enter the build­ing. In the event of prob­lems with or the loss of your key card, please inform the recep­tion staff.


This is the name of the old­er part of the guest­house. Here, you will find our sim­ple, plain­ly yet prac­ti­cal­ly-fur­nished guest rooms with a shower/washbasin in the rooms and toi­lets in the corridors.

Our din­ing rooms are locat­ed on the ground floor of the Prelature.


We thank you for your coop­er­a­tion in report­ing any prob­lems with our ser­vice or facil­i­ties to the recep­tion staff. We will do our utmost to rem­e­dy the prob­lem immediately.



The near­est rail­way sta­tions are about 12 km away in Abens­berg or Saal an der Donau. We would be hap­py to pro­vide you with train sched­ule infor­ma­tion at the recep­tion desk.


We are avail­able to you Mon­day through Sat­ur­day between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and Sun­days between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Excep­tions will be post­ed at the recep­tion desk.

Restau­rant “Kloster­schenke”

Let your­self be pam­pered with culi­nary delights in one of the most beau­ti­ful beer gar­dens in Bavaria! The abbey restau­rant is open dur­ing the high sea­son from April to Octo­ber dai­ly from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (warm meals avail­able until 6:30 p.m.). In the off-sea­son, oth­er open­ing hours apply.

Please also regard the local posts and infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed on the internet.

You can also have your bill for food and drink added to your room invoice.

Restau­rants in the area

Kloster­schenke Wel­tenburg, Asam­straße 32,
93309 Kel­heim-Wel­tenburg, 09441 6757–0,

Kloster­gasthof Schweiger, Alte Dorf­s­traße 2
93309 Kel­heim-Wel­tenburg, 09441 1370

Frischeisen brew­ery restau­rant, Regens­burg­er Straße 69,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 50490,

Gasthof Weißes Lamm, Lud­wigstraße 12,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 20090,

Gasthof Kell­ner, Gun­delshausen­er Straße 73,
93309 Kel­heim, 09405 1215,

Weiss­es Bräuhaus brew­ery restau­rant, Emil-Ott-Straße 3,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 3480,

Restau­rant Alter Markt, Alter Markt 18,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 4052

Gasthof Per­zl, Lohstraße 10,
93309 Kel­heim-Lohstadt, 09405 2393

Gasthaus Meinz­er, Rohrer Straße 15,
93342 Saal a. d. D., Reißing, 09441 7038785,

Aunkofen­er Stub’n – Wirsthaus beim Lauberg­er, Aunkofen­er Straße 8, 93326 Abens­berg, 09443 5461,

Gasthof Jung­bräu, Weinbergstraße
6, 93326 Abens­berg, 09443 91070,

Gasthof zum Kuchlbauer, Stadt­platz 2,
93326 Abens­berg, 09443 1484,

Restau­rant Ham­mer­meier, Kirch­platz 4,
93326 Sand­har­lan­den, 09443 6993,

Above list does not rep­re­sent recommendations

Room clean­ing

See House­keep­ing

Room key / card

Upon your arrival, you receive a room key and/or room key card. You can open the room doors in the House St. George using this card.

In the entry­way of your room, there is a card hold­er. Stick your room key card as far as it will go into the card hold­er. This acti­vates the elec­tric­i­ty and lighting.

To charge mobile phones, lap­tops, dig­i­tal cam­eras, etc., you can use a spe­cial, labeled pow­er out­let with a con­stant pow­er sup­ply sit­u­at­ed on the desk.

When you leave your room, please do not for­get to take your key card, as it also allows you to enter the build­ing. In the event of prob­lems with or the loss of your key card, please inform the recep­tion staff.

Room prices

See Infor­ma­tion at a Glance


San­i­tary prod­ucts and toiletries

Have you for­got­ten to bring some­thing? You can obtain a small selec­tion of san­i­tary prod­ucts and toi­letries at the recep­tion desk.

Sewing kit

You can obtain a small sewing kit at the recep­tion desk.


With­out excep­tion, all parts of the build­ing, includ­ing all rooms, are non-smok­ing areas.

Upon vio­la­tion, we will invoice you for the extra clean­ing efforts in an amount of at least EUR 150.00.

We will also charge you for any oth­er efforts need­ed as a result (e.g. due to a trig­gered fire alarm).

Spring water
For half and full board meal plans (lunch and din­ner), we serve table water from our own spring free of charge.


Stamps and writ­ing uten­sils can be obtained at the recep­tion desk.

Swim­ming, ther­mal baths

Kel­do­ra­do, indoor and out­door swim­ming facil­i­ties, Ren­nweg 60,
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 2267,

Limes Therme, ther­mal bath facil­i­ties, Am Brun­nen­fo­rum 1,
93333 Bad Gög­ging, 09445 20090

Kaiser-Therme, ther­mal bath facil­i­ties, Kurallee 4,
93077 Bad Abbach, 09405 95170,

Insel­bad Bad Abbach, out­door swim­ming facil­i­ties, Insel­straße 2 a, 93077 Bad Abbach, 09405 940623,



MH-Kel­heim-Taxi GmbH, Kelheim,
09441 7036690

Taxi Koc, Kelheim,
09441 5252

Taxi Ziegler, Kelheim,
09441 6825000

Taxi Eisler, Abensberg,
09443 3788

Taxi Schier­linger, Abensberg,
09443 928908


Each room of the House St. George has a tele­phone which can be used free of charge for domes­tic calls to Ger­man land­lines. Calls to oth­er coun­tries, mobile phone num­bers and spe­cial tele­phone num­bers can­not be made.

    • To make a call, please first dial 0
    • You can be reached under the num­ber +49 9441 6757 + your room number
    • For inter­nal calls, dial the desired room number.

Guests stay­ing in the Prela­ture are wel­come to use the phone at the recep­tion desk for com­pli­men­ta­ry domes­tic calls.

Tele­vi­sion lounge

Our tele­vi­sion lounge, includ­ing a DVD play­er and video recorder, is sit­u­at­ed on the third floor in the Prelature.

Tem­po­rary abbey stay

Men who are inter­est­ed in Bene­dic­tine abbey life and would like to spend a few days in the monastery with the Wel­tenburg monks are wel­come to con­tact us for more information.

 Tourist infor­ma­tion

Tourist Infor­ma­tion Office Kel­heim, Lud­wigsplatz 1
93309 Kel­heim, 09441 701234

Tourist Infor­ma­tion Office Bad Gög­ging, Heili­gen­städter Straße 5,
93333 Bad Gög­ging, 09445 95750


If you need new tow­els, please lay the used tow­els on the floor.

We have spe­cial beach tow­els for your vis­it to the Danube. You can find them in the com­mon room on the first floor, in the draw­ers of the wardrobe. Please do not take the blan­kets and tow­els from your room outside.


See Tele­vi­sion lounge



You can bor­row an umbrel­la free of charge from the recep­tion staff. The Wel­tenburg umbrel­las (walk­ing stick or col­lapsi­ble umbrel­las) can also be pur­chased at the recep­tion desk or in the abbey shop as a sou­venir or gift.



Have you booked half or full board? On the day of your arrival, you have until 5:00 p.m. to select either a nor­mal or veg­e­tar­i­an meal plan. Dur­ing your stay, please inform our staff at breakfast.

If you wish to exclu­sive­ly eat veg­e­tar­i­an meals, we rec­om­mend that you inform us when you make your room reservation.

Vis­i­tor Cen­ter in the his­tor­i­cal fer­men­ta­tion cellar 

Expe­ri­ence more than 1000 years of his­to­ry in our Vis­i­tor Cen­ter in the his­tor­i­cal fer­men­ta­tion cel­lar! The exhib­it spans from the traces of ear­ly Chris­tians, to the vibrant cen­turies of the abbey from the Mid­dle Ages to the mod­ern era and the cur­rent life and activ­i­ties of the Bene­dictines in Wel­tenburg. Vir­tu­al­ly explore more about the lives of monks, the brew­ery and the Asam church.


EUR 2.50 for adults (Groups of 10 or more EUR 2.00)

EUR 1.50 for chil­dren, appren­tices and students 

Admis­sion is free for our indi­vid­ual hotel guests upon pre­sen­ta­tion of
a room key or key card

Wake-up call

You can set a wake-up call on your room tele­phone. To do so, pick up the phone and dial the fol­low­ing number:

*55hhmm       (HH hours, MM minutes)


You wish to wake up at 7:00 a.m. You would sim­ply dial *550700 and wait for the con­fir­ma­tion tone.

The wake-up call func­tion is set for one time only. If you wish to be wok­en up every day at the same time, you have to reset the wake-up call every day.


See Inter­net

We wish you a pleas­ant stay!