
By car

from Munich

A9 via motor­way tri­an­gle Holledau to the A93 exit Siegen­burg or Abensberg

from Nurem­berg

A3, exit Nit­ten­dorf, Sinz­ing or A93 Regensburg-Süd

from the direc­tion of Regensburg

A 93, exit Regens­burg Süd
con­tin­ue on the B16 fed­er­al road

The Durctrip to the monastery is pos­si­ble dur­ing your stay. Park­ing is avail­able out­side the inner court­yard, along the Danube. If these are occu­pied, there are fur­ther park­ing facil­i­ties at the vis­i­tor park­ing lot in the vil­lage of Wel­tenburg. A free shut­tle ser­vice is avail­able dur­ing the sea­son (May to Octo­ber) (please call 09441 6757–0).

A charg­ing sta­tion for elec­tric cars is locat­ed at Asam­straße 2, next to the vil­lage church. The col­umn is equipped with a type 2 plug for 22 kW.

Do you use a nav­i­ga­tion device? We rec­om­mend acti­vat­ing the option “Avoid fer­ry” or “Use ferry”.

By plane

Munich Air­port

Munich Air­port is about 100 km away. The jour­ney time by car is about 90 minutes

Nurem­berg Airport

Nurem­berg Air­port is about 120 km away. The jour­ney time by car is about 90 minutes

By bike or on foot

When plan­ning your tour, make sure that you may have to cross the Danube. You can use the fol­low­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties to cross the Danube:

  • Rope fer­ry Stausacker-Weltenburg.
    Please note the sea­son­al open­ing hours.
  • Ship­ping Kel­heim — Weltenburg.
    Note the sea­son­al trav­el times.
  • Bridge Kel­heim
  • Bridge Kel­heim (from Kel­heim, the first half is extreme­ly steep for a short stretch, 100 m dif­fer­ence in alti­tude, unpaved grav­el ground) — we rec­om­mend the boat trip from Kel­heim to Weltenburg
  • Bridge March­ing — Neustadt a. D. Donau (via B299)
  • Rope fer­ry Hien­heim — Eining.
    Please note the sea­son­al open­ing hours.

We offer you a free, lock­able stor­age facil­i­ty for your bike, as far as space is avail­able. It is not pos­si­ble to reserve a pitch. A charg­ing sta­tion for e‑bikes is not offered.

Mit Fahrrad und Zug

Fahren Sie mit dem Zug bis zum Bahn­hof Abens­berg und von dort aus, mit dem Fahrrad nach Wel­tenburg. Wir empfehlen die Route von Abens­berg über Sand­har­lan­den, Staub­ing nach Weltenburg.

By train

The near­est train sta­tion for trav­ellers from Ingol­stadt is Abens­berg station.
Since there is no reg­u­lar bus ser­vice, we rec­om­mend a taxi for the onward jour­ney to the monastery. Taxi com­pa­nies are Taxi Eisler (not on Sun­days and pub­lic hol­i­days) and 09443 3788 or Taxi Schmitt 09443 3312.

For trav­ellers from Regens­burg, the sta­tion is Saal an der Donau. From here you can use the reg­u­lar bus ser­vice to Kel­heim. In Kel­heim, a con­nec­tion to Wel­tenburg is avail­able with lines 5 and 10 of the VLK Kel­heim. From mid-March to the end of Octo­ber, you can also use the boat con­nec­tion to the monastery from Kel­heim (see timeta­bles!). The fur­ther jour­ney with MH-Kel­heim-Taxi GmbH (tele­phone: 09441 7036690) or Koc 09441 5252 is comfortable.