
The House St. Georg offers you 18 sin­gle rooms and 25 twin rooms (three of them are bar­ri­er-free) with show­er and toilet.
In our Prälatur (show­er in the room, toi­let locat­ed at the end of the floor) there are anoth­er 14 rooms (five sin­gle rooms, six twin rooms and a triple room).

All rooms have par­quet floor­ing and aller­gy-friend­ly bed­ding. Dogs are not allowed through­out the complex.

Bed linen, tow­els, bath tow­els and a bath mat as well as hair dry­er can be found in all our rooms.

On the day of arrival, you can usu­al­ly move into your room from 2 p.m. onwards. Please vacate the room by 9:30 a.m. on the day of depar­ture. On request and if avail­able we can pro­vide you the room until 10:00 o’clock a. m.

Room rates per per­son and night

Room cat­e­go­ry Adult
   2024  2024  2024
Sin­gle room
Haus St. Georg
71,00 € 51,00 €  
twin room
Haus St. Georg
63,00 € 46,00 € 41,00 €
Sin­gle room
Show­er, shared toilet
62,00 € 42,00 €  
twin room
Show­er, shared toilet
53,00 € 41,00 € 36,00 €

Short stay sur­charge of 1 night 8,00 € per night.

*Young peo­ple between the ages of 14 and 17 (age on the day of departure)
**Chil­dren (6–13 years old) and infants (under 6 years old, stay for free) can only be accom­mo­dat­ed in a twin room with an adult. Extra beds are not pos­si­ble in our rooms.

avail­abil­i­ty calendar