sin­gle romm with shower/toilet

The 18 rooms are locat­ed in the House St. George and can be reached by stairs or lift direct­ly from the recep­tion. With the sim­ple, sol­id equip­ment with bed (90 x 200 cm), wardrobe and desk in a mod­ern design, our sin­gle rooms adapt to the monas­tic envi­ron­ment. How­ev­er, you do not have to do with­out per­son­al com­fort (show­er, toi­let, hairdry­er, tow­el radi­a­tor) and mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy (direct dial tele­phone and WiFi).


aller­gy bedding show­er and toilet
read­ing light tow­el, show­er towl, bath mat
win­dows (to open) tow­el dryer
Tele­fon hairdry­er
WiFi mir­ror
smoke detec­tor no TV
escape plan no pet
